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Mission Statement

We believe that focsing on the needs of our customers is the key to our success.
Thus, our goals are....

* To continuously improve the quality of the products and services. We provide to our customers.

* To develop and build unique, first class facilities to provide our customers with the hightest possilble level of value,  quality and service.

* To represent the highest standard of professionalism in all our endeavors, with the utmost respect for peaple.
* To encourage and maintain an entrepreneurial spirit within our company so that individuals, working together as a team, can take our company to levels that are limited only by our will  and imagination.

* To provide valuable training for our people, and a safe, clean workplace.

* To remain sensitive to, and conduct ourselves as good stewards of our   natural environment around the world.

* Finally, it is our belief that God has a purpose for our company. We pray that He will grant us wisdom, vision and humility in our work, and that He will not allow us to rest on the efforts of those who have gone befor us.

March Design Solution has a very simple but highly effective vision : 
  “ To achieve growth and profitability by exceeding customer expectations. ” 
This breaks down into these kep components :

Growth : Sustainable growth in business, organisation and individual assets. 
Profit in all business activities. Improvements in operations and targets.

Profitability : Meeting needs hat the customer is willing to pay for and exceeding      those of competitors.

Exceeding : Select customers that the company can serve well. Target niches of

strength will add value.

Customer : Systematically uncover customer needs and values and understand

Profit : All activities should bring value to both the customer and to March Design Solution.We must select markets where we can be among the top players. We are committed to be distinct from the leaders in the markets we select.

Position : To meet customer needs, we must have the right business processes. It is essential to develop or recruit competence and skills to perform these

People : To grow, we must develop new productions and marketing concepts, and improve our work processes. 

Innovation : Our customers should feel that we drive the markets and innovate.


 At March Design Solution, Our goal is to make the right thing happen by working closely with our customer... to turn our collective ideas and challenges into concepts and prototypes that are evaluated and perfected, and enable the  materialization of production solutions and innovations.

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Quality and innovation - Nothing new to March Design Solution & Company
Through international sales : March Design Solution stand at the ready as a single source provider of products and services to organizations that operate in multiple locations worldwide. March Design Solution quality is evidenced by the array of awards won.

Quality Assurance
We are incorporated in Product Development & Quality Control Center under the authority of Textile Committee in Thailand ensuring :
* Quality Controlling System.
* Professional order from management  system.
* First-class professional technique.
* Strong line up of designers.
* Wide Technique support.


With March Design Solution.
No Minimums : Order what you need, when you need it. Any Quantity, anysize, any time. If it is possible in your mind, it is possible with us. March Design Solution offers a revolutionary break through in product, technology, and service 

Our carpet resolves the conflicts between time, cost and creative choice that hamper project after project. By giving you the freedom to create custom color palettes from a selection of over 400 colors at no extra charge ; by letting your request    custom   colored   mock   ups   and
production orders if  virtually  any  size,   with  no  minimum ; and by eliminating long lead times that keep people from getting what they want it. Symonee Floor makes a whole new range of service and creativity possible.

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